Irish Immigrants Building America

March 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM

Click here to register.

Please click here for the PDF

Photography Club February Meeting

Tuesday, February 18 at 6:30 PM

Please join us for the photography club.

Click here for the PDF

Winter Story Times for 2025!

Registration begins Monday, January 6!

Click here for PDF.


Choose Your Own Adventure Book Club

For 5th-8th grade students

Click here to view PDF.

Lindsay & Her Puppet Pals!

Thursday, February 20

Click here for PDF.

Puzzle Race!

Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 11:00 am

Click here for PDF.

Puzzle Race Saturday, March 8 at 11:00 AM This program is for adults, but ages 14 and up are welcome to join a family team! Teams of up to four people can test their skills by racing to complete a 500-piece puzzle. Each team will have up to two hours to complete their puzzle. Patrons are welcome to sign up with a team of four people, or get assigned to a team the day of the race! Each team’s puzzle will be the same, and no-one may see the puzzle until the start of the race. Registration begins Thursday, February 6. Call the library or come in person to register for this event. Call the Blackstone Public Library at 508-883-1931 for more information. Flyer background is a photograph of a pile of puzzle pieces scattered together. The flyer text is on a violet background over the puzzle photo with the edges of the color cut out in the shape of puzzle pieces.

Annual Boston Bruins PJ Drive is Back!

February 1 - March 15

Click here for PDF. 


Warp and Weft

Thursday, March 6 at 4:00 PM

A historical presentation for ages 9 – 14 / Grades 4 – 8.

Click here to register.

Click here for the full PDF.

Warp and Weft, a historical presentation with Anne O’Connor. For ages 9 – 14 / Grades 4 – 8. Thursday, March 6 at 4:00 PM.  This program is part of the Blackstone Public Library’s ongoing LSTA grant, “Voices: A Common Thread.” This grant is in thanks to the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Massachusetts Libraries Board of Library Commissioners.  The rise of the textile industry across New England meant a changing life-style for workers. During this hands-on program, each participant will weave a bookmark on a cardboard loom to take home, learn about the early labor movement, and sing historical songs from that movement.  “Anne is a musician, historian and writer who LOVES sharing information! She was an editor and reporter at perhaps the newest newspaper in New England, The Concord Bridge. She is the author of Fitchburg: the old hometown. Music is her first love.”  Registration is required. Visit our Events Page.  Contact the Blackstone Public Library at 508-883-1931 for more information.  “Warp and Weft” is supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Federal Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.  Flyer features an image of yarn woven over the string of a cardboard loom. The yarn is woven in stripes of orange, red, violet, blue, green, and yellow. The flyer borders also feature gradients of light blue to dark blue, and the flyer text is over a pale yellow to white gradient.

Music & Movement for Young Children

Register now!

Click here for PDF.

Wag & Read: Read to a Therapy Dog

Willoughby, Bear, Lady and ?

Click here for PDF.

Vintage Family History Scrapbooking Class

Tuesday, March 4 at 6:30 PM

This program is intended for adults.
Click here for the full PDF.

Vintage Family History Scrapbooking Class This program is intended for adults. Tuesday, March 4 at 6:30 PM  This program is part of the Blackstone Public Library’s ongoing LSTA grant, “Voices: A Common Thread.”  Vintage Family History Scrapbooking. Please join Library Staff Members for an evening of scrapbooking. Supplies will be provided. We ask that you bring the following: 4 photographs to use in the scrapbook; information about the person/people in the photos (ex. name, age, location, etc.) ; a small blurb about the person (a few sentences). It could be of a particular achievement, historical information, or a fun, family anecdote/memory; your enthusiasm!  Registration is required. Call the Blackstone Public Library at 508-883-1931.  “Vintage Family History Scrapbooking Class” is supported by grant funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the federal Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.  Flyer features a vintage-style photograph of a scrapbook in progress. There are three family photos on a brown-paper page with handwriting beside one photo. On the table beside the book is a pen, a pair of scissors, a spool of white string, and a sheet of brown arrow stickers.

Quilting Club

First meeting Thursday, March 20 from 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Please join us for the quilting club.

Click here for the PDF

Quilting Club, a monthly club for adults. Thursday, March 20 from 2:00 to 3:00 PM.  If you love quilting already or just want to start, come join a group of like-minded crafters! Each meeting will be a relaxing time to get together, share ideas, and do some quilting. Refreshments will be served.  This program is for adults. Registration is required. Call or come in to sign up. Contact the Blackstone Public Library at 508-883-1931 for more information.  This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Blackstone Public Library.  The title text of this flyer is in a typeface that looks like letters written inside separate quilt patches. Flyer text is over a background photo of a quilt. The patches are large, colored blue, pink, yellow, and teal, and with a filigree design of stitching over the entire quilt.

Cranberry Basil “Mocktail” Sangria,

Thursday, February 27 at 6:30 PM

Registration is required.

Please click here for the PDF


Technology Classes

by Appointment

Please click here for the PDF.

For more information, call 508-883-1931.

Lunch and Learn

Cybersecurity Basics

February 20 or March 3 from 11 AM to 1 PM

Click here for the PDF


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Borrow a HotSpot from the Library

In accordance with the Library’s goal to provide to our community current technology and services, the Blackstone Public Library offers Wi-Fi Mobile HotSpots for loan.

Click here for more information.

Get a CWMARS eCard

To apply for an eCard, please click here!

An eCard is a CW MARS library card that you can register for online to access electronic materials, such as ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and databases.

The eCard is for patrons who do not already have a CW MARS library card and may be upgraded to a physical library card with borrowing privileges by visiting your local library.